hihihi, today is Day 12 post caeserean section to enable our beloved little Nadia to be born. Thank you everybody for your best wishes, much appreciated. It started with irregular but intense pain, then after ARM, I flew from 3 to 7 cm in 3 hours, THEN, stuck at 7 cm for seven hours. CTG became non reasuring, but fetal blood sampling was entirely normal. If I wasnt one of the 'pundits' in the labour ward, I would have been sectioned 3 hours earlier, but we wanted to give a good try. It seems that I might have what they call a 'true cephalo-pelvic disproportion'.
The main thing is, Syukur Alhamdulillah, Nadia is born at 23:40 on 15th April 2007, kicking and alive at 2620g and a mop of black hair on her head. On her 4th day she is at 2860g and the 8th day at 3000g. We registered her as NADIA SHASMEEN MOHD SHAHRULNIZAM. So Shaz, kau bolehlah berbangga sebab ada unsur2 nama kau hihihi (to Farhan and Mas, this is quite unintentional ok).
I must say that the proud father is completely bessoted with her, and why not right. Mum is too! Sekarang ni aku dlm pantanglah, tapi best jugak, received great meals to my room at least 3 times a day, daily massage and bertungku..... aahhh best. Cuma the healing of caeserean delivery will be timely, but insyallah Im getting there. Doakanlah kami semua sihat sejahtera.
More pics at