I started to get used to getting around this place. Although it only has been less than a week I have to be extremely quick at adapting to what’s going on around me. I guess that’s the only way for me to survive this mediocre existence. Living out of a suitcase like this frankly is a very exhausting life and even more depressing. Oh god! You have no idea how miserable my life is right now. Completely alone in a place that is alien to me with none of the faces you meet seem remotely familiar. To make matter worse the job that I’m doing right now is not something that I fond of, in fact the one I’d wished I didn’t get at all. I remember last Tuesday when I got the text about the job, I was thinking sure I can just answer perhaps they wouldn’t even pick me all the while hoping that other people might answer to the advertisement and got chosen. After I hung up with the agency it occurred to me what am I gonna do if they do want me to fill in the job? Shit! I shouldn’t have called them in the first place to tell them I was interested. A few hours later my cell rang and medical admin office was on the other end of the line. Damn! Damn! Damn! I had to honour my words, told them I was going to come then there was nothing to be said but to pack my stuff. In about 2 hours after the call I received I was on the road dreading about the next few weeks ahead of me and keep wishing I hadn’t pick up my phone and answer that ad. I don’t like to think of myself as a stupid person but most of the time you have no idea what a complete idiot I am, really! Got my life to prove it. Anyway a week has gone and 2 more weeks left with 4 on-calls waiting in line. I just have to ignore inner cry and suffering and just look up to the finishing line. Thank god I will be off for Christmas and god knows how I’m going to make most of it!