Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hang Tuah Jaya

Been ages since I last posted anything kat dalam blog nie, finally after about a month kat mesia nie, aku berhasrat semula untuk memblogkan kisah hidup aku nie. Well anyways , been bout a month kat sinie hasn’t done any good to my figure, ‘ranting’ pokok still I am, and obviously the wash –board abs are still there ( self-praise). Well anyways , tadi pagi aku pergilah ke sebuah kedai roti canai , close to the the General Hospital for breakfast, makan roti canailah kata kan ( very emma, I KNOW) , since it was morning, jadinyer tempat tuh penuh lah dengan kaki-tangan hospital, bukan saja doctor, malah nurse-nurse, student2 nursing , serta pesakit-pesakit disamping juga dengan mereka-mereka yang bukan kaki-tangan hospital seperti aku nie ( aka saje nak menyebuk) . I was in the shop about 800am , lepas antar adik aku ke sekolah. And by that time matahari dah obviously pancar-memancarlahkan, PEOPLE , yes ITS Hot!!!! While eating at the shop, your truly obviouslylah scanning mengscanninglahkan, manelah tau ada yang kenal ( by the way, I was with my mom). But what struck me was the blatant ignorance of these doctors and medical students regarding hygiene.

Wakakakakaka, habis-lah aku , belum ape-ape dah kutuk doctor kat mesia. WeLL anyways , let me continue on. It was 830am in the morning, at a warung about 2 KM away from the hospital, on a hot morning and these people were brandishing their stethoscopes like it was their handphones. What I tak paham is why on earth would they want to bawak the stethoscope masuk kedai , and then ending by putting in on the table (yang semestinyerlah PENUH dengan god knows what type of bacterias!). On top of that, there was a few medical students, yang lagi best, masuk kedai tuh siap pakai lab coat lagi!!!! People , seriouslylah nasib baik yours truly was in control of myself ( read: well sedated with one roti canai and bowl of hot lontong!!!) , kalau aku lepas, mesti ketawa macam kena sawan babi hutan ( spasm-like laugh) , paling tidak pun hypermesis gravidarum terus kena ketidakseimbangan elektrolit ( trying to use Malays words). Well anyway, I tried to be as positive as possible in order to NOT make any wrong judgments, tapi tak boleh, dalam hati ini, adalah jugak perasaan marahkan.

Untuk pengentahuan you all , aku tulis blog nie berperingkat2, bukan dalam satu hari aku tulis bende nie. Anyway, kena-kena hari ini adalah Befday Syaz, so happy beday syaz. Mungkin time ko bace bende nie dah few days, may be few weeks after ko nyer befday, wakakakakka, sorrylah tak dapat nak buat surprise. Tapi tak per, nanti bile kiteorg ke Penang, nanti ko akan tau, itulah plannye. Dun worry, mungkin ko ingat aku tak ingat ko nyer befday, tapi aku ingat, saje jer nak buat2 tak ingat , so that lagi dramaticlah suprisenyer nanti………wakakakakakakA!

Well enough of that, on the other hand , on the way balik, sambil bawak kete, I was intrigued by a HUGE , and people by this I do mean HUGE sign welcoming drivers to HANG TUAH JAYA. Little did I know that the area I was living in , which was previously known as bukit baru has had a name change. As a whole it might be really-really a trivial thing. Tapi the sole reason that it irritate me was the HANG TUAH had a “JAYA” at the end of it. Of all names, dalam dunia ni they had to put a JAYA at the end, seriously speaking , at that moment , I felt like driving the car straight into the sign, bagi roboh, pecah ranap , hancus!!! Sib baiklah aku bawak kereta proton time tuh , a bit of risk assessment at that moment prevented me from doing so. Tak mahu lah aku masuk surat khabar the next day;

Imagine “ Student drives car into Hang Tuah Jaya Sign in a fit of Rage”

And somewhere in the middle of the article ,”…….ironically students name is also Jaya,’

Malu-lah jugakkan , well at least that is so much better then kene langgar dengar lori sampah kan……muahahahahahhaha!

Aku tak paham kenape-lah orang Malaysia nie seem , to be soooooooooooooo-lah interested dengan the name “Jaya”, it seems to be soooooo IN nowadays. I remember those days when Jaya seemed to be a very exclusive name (wekekekeke) , tetibe dah jadi tak exclusive dah. First there was Petaling Jaya, then Subang, Kelana, Damansara, Selayang Jaya’s . Suddenly after Putra and Cyber had Jaya attached to back of its names, sume rang berlumbe untuk menggunakan nama Jaya ini. Can you imagine , in 10 years time where everything will be known as Jaya. ARGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! Imagine, Hang Li Po Jaya, Bentong Jaya or may be even Sungai Putat Jaya. Next you’ll get a wave of children being named with Jaya, almaklumlah , supaya berjaya kelak. You’ll get names like Sri Jaya , Emma Jaya, Shaz Jaya’s around. Again: argggggggggg!!!!!!!

Well enough of that trivial stuff, tak kemane, namun nasihat aku kepada mereka mereka yang ingin mengunakan nama jaya bagi anak-anak mereka, think first! …..wekekkekekekekekekek

Wakakakaka , well as you guys should know aku skrang tengah buat elektif, and baru habes 2 weeks of ONG ( that’s what they call here). Imagine talking to the pengurus sumber manusia of the hospital telling to go to the ONG department on the first day of my elektif. Nasib baiklah aku nie baik , tapi dalam hati nie nak termuntah-muntah aku ketawa, it went something like this ;

Pengurus sumber manusia : “okay, adik nak buat ONG yek”
ME : yes, kak , nak buat obs and gyni
PSM : oh, sebelum ni kat sane ada buat ONG yek”
Me: yes kak, dah buat , about 2 weeks obs and gynie’
PSM : okay, nanti akak call Head of deparment ONG

Mula-mula aku comfius lah jugak , wat the bloody hell was “ong”. Yang aku tau , Ong tuh name orang chinalah, tapi barulah aku paham yang ong tuh rupanya short for obs and gynae. WAKAKAKAKAKKAKA, jahat lah aku nie

Well anyways , my rotation was intresting, firstday aku dah banyak keje, almaklumlah, aku kat labor room. Tapi as a whole I was quite impressed with the whole facility, I must say that its almost in par or maybe better than the ones in Ireland, or Cork for that matter. May be because the hospital was a new hospital. Well anyway, LR Kat Malacca GH occupies like one whole wing. BEsar jugaklah! Attached to the LR was the OT maternity. The LR had 16 rooms. Before the LR the patients would daftar diri at the counter and to to the CDS for admissions and checkup before being let into the LR. Kalau cx tak cukup ripe , masuk ward dulu. Well anyways, in between my two weeks aku buat ONG, BANYAK JUGAKlah aku belajar! People can you imagine, 16 rooms kat LR tuh sorang HO and MO jer yang jaga. CDS lak , sorang jugak HO yang jaga , and sorang lagi HO stanby for OTM. So kalau hari yang sibuk like Mondays and Thursdays, bile ada antenatal clinic, kesian jugaklah HO sorang tuh yang jaga CDs. And bare in mind that patients yang dating ke LR bukan saja dari clinic GH , but also dari poliklinik,klinik swasta, hospital swasta, rumah, kampong, serta bomoh2 cabuk yang tak reti buat keje.. There were days in which the HO had to call back ups dari medical and other department to do the admissions sebab patient banyak. Aku ingatkan aku buat elektif nie macam cuti, mahulah, dari 830am sampailah ke about 530-630 aku ‘keje’. PENAT!Tuh pon HO siap ajak oncall lagi. The MO baik , suruh aku jaga 8 of the 16 LR , and 8 lagi HO jage. Hmm I bet nothing new to your guys anyw.

And YES people, now I know how it feels to WORK!!!!!! UWAAAAAA! Alkisahlah aku kene buat admissions , amik darah, bloods, amik consent laki untuk c sections , buat VE toksah cakaplah. Barulah aku tau nak buat VE nie kena ader kekuatan pada biceps jugaklah. On the first week , abes sakit-sakit jari and biceps aku coz buat VE and ARM. Tak masuk lagi inbetween nak r/v patients and anak lagi apa. On one of the days depa suruh aku buat epi’s, like banyak sangat sebab nurses tak de, kursus, sampai nak pecah belakang aku!. On top of that abes suara aku yang lunak nie pecah akibat menjerit-jerit nak suruh the moms teran. On the first day sempat lagilah aku cover-cover buat suara macho konon while conducting the births, tapi after few days tak larat lagi aku nak cover cover macho. Being blessed with vocal cords that could give parrots a race for their money,abes lah satu LR buleh dengar suara aku.

Imagine saying the same thing this like 50 times perday

AKAK , jangan teram kat muka kak, TERAN kat perut
AKAk, teram macam nak BERAK
Aiiya, Amoi, Lu teran salah OO, TERAM macam mau PANGSAI ( berak in Chinese)
AKAK Sikit LAGI, kuat semangat , bile sakit TERRANNNNNN!
AKAK cepat Terannnn, saya nak kena Buasir dah nie suruh akak Teran….

Again nothing new I bet….especially 4 you siti, now I know kenape kau salu letih siti…

Once I even said something like

“AKAK, ishhhh! Jangan buat susah keje saya , teran sajalah akak”
Sister kat sebelah aku was like, wah garang jugaklah doctor nie , tapi takper bagus, cam gitulah!

----dalam hati (I was like, wah garang jugaklah aku nie , macam MO pulak)

Ps: by the way, the nurses at the LR call me Dr, walaupun aku dah ckp berkali2 aku bukan Dr. TAPI STUDENT. Alasan depa , senang nak panggil . aku pun ape lagilah katakan.

But I must say that all and all I did enjoy the chaotic-ness of the LR. Especially when you have HO , MO and nurses yang sekepala , abes pecah satu labor room ketawa sampai pecah perut. Alkisahnya, yours truly pon banyaklah jugak peminatkan , esp dikalangan nurse2, ada yang nak buat anak angkatlah, ada yang nak buat menantulah, rimas –rimas kenkadang. Tapi obviouslylah , kedudukan aku digunakan dengan sepenuhnya, supaya tiap-tiap kali lunch, aku makan free! hahaha

Well anyways, I must say that the London experience is still fresh in my mind , sampai tak nak mengaku orang CORK ( read: Cark). Had sooooooo much fun in London. I dunno whether we were the ones who were not ready to embrace London, or was London not ready to embrace 2.5 malays ( yours truly still insists that I’m part Ozzy , and a part Nippon) who were yaking like mad cows up and down the tubes. We were laughing our hearts out, sampai nak terspasm-spasm dibuatnya. Sakit perut dibuatnya. Di sebebkan pengalaman terlalu banyak, aku malas nak tulis, I bet emma and paan dah cite abes kat korang. So no pointlah aku nak cite balik. I bet same je. All in all I must say that lagu tema trip ‘We’re goin to londonnn, to buy Heat magazine’ still ader dalam pale otak aku. Not to forget Emma’s craze for Blue Eye and the Topman experience ( imagine pakai baju cabuk Dunnes stores jer pegi topman London, malu aku). AND Ya not to forget, Amazing Race cari kedai makanan melayu. Among the first few words paan uttered after touch down in London, was “ JOM Makan nak”. I must say walaupun kurang memahami serta kurang buleh appreciate the INTENSE craving for Malay food, aku bernasib baik, as my limited knowledge in psychiatry prepared me both physically and emotionally to come face to face with of paan’s episodes/attacks. ( hahahaha! Remember pusing Leicester Sq all the way to convent gardens looking for Melati?, siap masuk internet lagi).

Well okaylah, people that’s all for today, nanti aku update lagi yek………