So initially plan nya once we are back in KL after that wedding Syaz nak masak2 kat rumah Sri kat Ampang....all of us kumpul dari rumah Mas ke rumah Sri but Mas can't attend la....with Paan nak tgk konsert, Ema nak kena balik pasal nak kerja and study (Ema lagi rajin banding masa student dulu ko tau!) so it was deferred to a later date sometime the same week la....
Last2 it was agreed to have this special 'reunion' dinner Wednesday 30/4 as the day after 1/5 is a public holiday...Hari Buruh/ kononnya bolehla lepak2 lambat...
So Syaz pon datangla around 12 noon to Ampang...beli2 barang nak masak....dia nak masak seafood...and start la masak lepas Zuhur....Mas datang dari Melaka bawak kereta....Ema and Paan also came...Kak Toh unfortunately has gone back to Chini as she has to prepare for her relative's after the usual sesat nak sampai ke rumah Sri ni...Mas sampai ke masjid mana ntah...padahal nearest mosque dari rumah Sri ni adala dekat2 1 km kot...Ema dah 2-3 kali datang pon nak kena kasi direction...Paan boleh tahan for his IQ...sampaila jugak dia...
Anyway we started to eat around 9pm....Menu:
1) Nasi putih
2) Ketam masak ape ntah....tapi sedap
3) Badan Ketam tapi isi telur masak ape ntah....lagi sedap
4) Ikan Masak Sambal....kot....tapi sedap yg amat....
5) Udang Masak Tepung tapi ade campur ape ntah....PALING sedap
6) Sayur....semua hijau and karot...
Semua licin kecuali sayur yg tukang masak abihkan....sorryla takde gambar...nasib baik takde...mana yg baca and then kalau tgk gambar mau mimpi2 kang...Pastu dessert Homemade Tiramisu and tembikai.....
Last sekali kopi nespresso Sri.....yg last ni byk kali last.....pastu lepak2 minum air sirap manis, kurang manis....kiranya last2 ni semuanya minum air sampai kembung....
Macam mana pon it was once of the best meal I had since coming back home....or since Syaz left Cork.....not to insult those yg buat2 makan after Syaz left...but not in terms of rasa...but the atmosphere...the anticipation...lama dah tak rasa...bau masak tu dari Asar lagi...tak sabar2 dibuatnya aku...dahla org2 ni sesat! time no excuse eh...
We ate and talked like the old days....Unfortunately for Ema she has to go back as she's going to work the following day...and she needs to study...exam in a weeks time...kesian...Ema think hard about your future....don't only think about your job...think bigger...think about your life...what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it....not your career...your life as a whole...I seriously think if you continue to live like this for the next 2 years....I doubt you will be the same person I knew 2-3 years ago....but hey it is your life and you're a big know what you want and what you can handle so think wisely....
Entahla aku ni pon kerja pon takde sedap aje bagi nasihat kat org....if it was me what would I do?...I don't know...I guess different ppl has different 'boiling' point....As long as I can spend time with my family, I can raise my children adequately and have enough to sustain them and hopefully adela lebih2 sikit nak berjalan2 or leisure....cukupla...the problem is when is enough is enough...tak pernahnya cukup...ade keta ni nak keta besar lagi...ade rumah apartment nak rumah teres....and then banglo...well that bring us back to 'wasathiyyah'....kesederhanaan...
Bersyukur dgn ape yg ada....I think I learn that the hard way since coming back....From having a house, 2 cars and a well-paid I move between my in law and parents house, borrow my brother's car as he is in Sudan and I know what it is important in life....if my wife was a demanding person which she never was (kembangla tu) sure pening kepala aku...
So learn to appreciate what you have as God may take over in a second....then you know what you are missing....prioritize what you want/achieve....nothing is easy...and the harder you have to try to get something the more you appreciate it...but again nothing is more important than what is the most important for you and in this case for me it is my family.....If what I want to achieve makes me grow apart from my family I definitely would change what I want....but thats ask yourself what you want the most....some ppl can handle the pressure some ppl can' the mean worth the result? Only you know the answer to that....Enough of this lets move on shall we?
So Ema left quite early for our standard...pukul berapa ha ko blah Ema? Dalam 11-12 kot...aku tak ingat but I know Syaz, Mas and Pa'an left around 4 am....we talked, drink, watched TV, making stupid jokes (thats Paan of course) the usual hooha like we always did back in was nice.....I'm sure all of us haven't had such time since Ireland days so to have day (or rather night) like this was welcoming....Paan and Syaz saw musang kat atas atap which has been living in one of our neighbour's roof for quite some time...nasib baik si Syaz tak menjerit pasalnya dahla tengah malam....but he did almost scream or a shriek rather as he tried on foot massager....alaa menda yg kat semua mall ade...tempat duduk kulit yg buleh massage tapi ni kaki sahaja....Not only Syaz, Mas and Paan pon menjerit macam jumpa hantu...then tgk Akademi Fantasia la.....last2 tgk music video...biasala kalau Pa'an pegang remote....That was the night nothing really special that we did but for us (at least for me) it was something special....
I don't know when would be the next 'meal' but I hope this would not be the last. However I won't be holding my breath as Pa'an is going to UM (7 days a week working hours), Syaz will be entering his clinical years (ade on-call tu!), Ema sekarang pon susah nak jumpa lagi kan nanti (takkan makin naik year makin relax kot ntahla), Mas ntah ke mana....sekejap nak balik sekejap nak ke Australia...mana2 la ko Mas and me ntah2 dah kerja nak jumpak Sri pon kena buat appointment as Sri pon nak kerja jugak...intern plak tu!
But it never hurts to hope and hope for the best and I really2 hope that the next meal would be at our new home and I am not jobless!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Reunion April 2008 Part 1
Lama betul aku tak tulis kat blog ni. Last sekali aku tulis it was quite controversial if anyone still remembers it....that was eons ago...
Anyway straight to the point...after about 3 months arriving from Ireland, few telephone calls and SMSes at last me, Sri, the kids (Afiq, Natrah and Sofea), Apan, Ema, Syaz and Masz met for the first time in Bukit Baru, Melaka. It was under the pretense of Mas's older brother wedding tapi sebenarnya ko (Mas) nak jumpa kitorang dak? Anyway I forgot to add Kak Toh was also there together with my sister (Fatiha) and Sri's sis (Taty)....oh yea my mak mentua and Ema's parents were also present....We drove at around 12pm from Sri's place in Ampang and arrived around 3.30pm in Melaka (Lama tu pasal nak amik si Fatiha and si Syaz...bagi direction macam ape ntah baik aku tanya nyonya jual durian tepi jalan)....We all (my family) duduk kat Hotel Mahkota which I will never recommend to rosak, aircon macam takde, air berwarna coklat (dodgy sungguh) tapi makan pagi bestla jugak.....Syaz and Apan stayed in Fenix Inn (tempat hooker2 melepak kot...dodgy sungguh bunyi tempat tu).....and Ema + family stayed in Equitorial Hotel....Can't tell how good these hotels are...boleh tanya ex-tenants nanti...
Anyway we ate at some place near our hotel for our lunch which was quite good and cheap compared to KL....I had Yee Mee Sizzling with Egg and Durian Cendol which cost me less than RM10...was quite delicious....Sri had something Sizzling as well and Honey Coconut Longan drink which wasn't that bad.....All in all a good meal....
We then went to Mahkota Parade to buy the wedding gift for Mas's brother and met Paan there. After that we went back to our respective hotel to rest....I watched the disastrous Man United vs Chelsea game which I regretted later on as it spoiled my mood for the whole anyone in this blog cares....come to think about it I'm the only who watch football....lain semua kaki bangku!..
At around 9pm we went out to muara Sungai Duyung as Taty recommended a restaurant serving seafood situated there....Aku ingat macam maple2 kat KL ni baru setat nak hidup lepas Isyak and tutup busuk2 pon 2 pagi...sampai2 tempat penuh....but we managed to get a place for 11 ppl (including kids)...tapi bila order...order air dulu...'Sorryla air buah semuanya abih'...ade plak org tanya tu air oren ade tak? oren tu kan takdakla! anyway kitorang air non-buah.....pi order seafood....not badlah...sotong goreng, ikan jenahak bakar, pari bakar, kerang....makan ngan nasi lemak...ade lagi ikan ape ntah aku tak ingat nama....all in all okla...but if we come an hour earlier maybe we can have more options...bola punya pasal!...kalah plak least kalau org tanya dah pernah makan kat Sungai Duyung bolehla aku cakap dah....
We came back around 10.30pm....Paan and Syaz went to Ema's place....pegi ke? Aku tak sure...anyway Ema did not join for the Sg Duyung meal pasal parents dia tak larat....
Following day....we took our time...had good breakfast...took the kids to the swimming pool...and the siap2 la utk pegi rumah Mas....excited la la kan Mas cerita2 walaupon dia tak pernah kata rumah dia besar tapi dari bunyinya agak besar...and mmg besarla!....
Paan, Syaz and Ema + parents pegi dulu...takde bebudak bolehla siap cepat....eheheh alasan...kitorang pegila lepas tu...arrived around 2 pm....Mas pakai baju melayu merah sepasang....semua famili2 dia pakai merah....busyla Mas kan....nak layan sangat pon tak buleh tapi to his credit he did come and spend quite a lot of time la with us...ade yg practise2 naik jinjang pelamin which was created by Mas's cousin....Pa'an dah book dah mamat tu utk kawin dia tapi bila la ntah...dah tua krepot nak MAMPUS kot....
Berkenal-kenalan la ngan parents Mas....his father was quite intimidating but very nice...nak la jugak jumpa kitorang ni...dahla tak kena mengena ngan pengantin pun datang jugak!...Raja Perlis was there and Ketua Menteri Melaka was there as that said enough of Mas's family reputation in Melaka....jgn memain ngan Mas...dia hantar bodyguard2 Raja Perlis kalau kerek2 baru tau....tu Registrar2 Paki yg kerek2 tu Mas ko report je kat datuk sedara ko tu....
We didn't stay long pasal like I said it was Mas's bro wedding so seganla nak duduk lama2...dahla nak duduk kat dalam plak we left around 4.30pm...
Paan plak tak sabar2 nak balik pasal nak tgk konsert Peter Pan..can u imagine nama group Peter Pan...takde idea dah ke? Org Indon punya group....Jakarta Boys ke...Indon Forever ke...Peter Pan??!?!Nasib baik lagu2nya ok...kata Paan la....and adik aku and maybe boleh percayala...
Kitorang plak detour ke Nilai....ade macam factory outlet jual2 Kak Toh nak tgk2 sikit (and belila jugak)....and beli buah2 sikit and then balik....that was the whole weekend....seronok la jugak....
Kak Toh stayed until Tuesday and we brought her to KLCC as she never been to KLCC before pastu pegi Aquaria...was quite nice...Afiq agak seronok tgk ikan, shark, snakes and spiders....and also favourite dia iguana....Tuesday am pegi kedai kain mana ntah....(kain lagi) tak abih2 dengan kain org2 pompuan ni....katanya utk kawin sedara dia....tak kawin pon sedara aku rasa beli jugak kain....then we sent her Tuesday evening to Putra Bus Station........for part 2 now...
Lama betul aku tak tulis kat blog ni. Last sekali aku tulis it was quite controversial if anyone still remembers it....that was eons ago...
Anyway straight to the point...after about 3 months arriving from Ireland, few telephone calls and SMSes at last me, Sri, the kids (Afiq, Natrah and Sofea), Apan, Ema, Syaz and Masz met for the first time in Bukit Baru, Melaka. It was under the pretense of Mas's older brother wedding tapi sebenarnya ko (Mas) nak jumpa kitorang dak? Anyway I forgot to add Kak Toh was also there together with my sister (Fatiha) and Sri's sis (Taty)....oh yea my mak mentua and Ema's parents were also present....We drove at around 12pm from Sri's place in Ampang and arrived around 3.30pm in Melaka (Lama tu pasal nak amik si Fatiha and si Syaz...bagi direction macam ape ntah baik aku tanya nyonya jual durian tepi jalan)....We all (my family) duduk kat Hotel Mahkota which I will never recommend to rosak, aircon macam takde, air berwarna coklat (dodgy sungguh) tapi makan pagi bestla jugak.....Syaz and Apan stayed in Fenix Inn (tempat hooker2 melepak kot...dodgy sungguh bunyi tempat tu).....and Ema + family stayed in Equitorial Hotel....Can't tell how good these hotels are...boleh tanya ex-tenants nanti...
Anyway we ate at some place near our hotel for our lunch which was quite good and cheap compared to KL....I had Yee Mee Sizzling with Egg and Durian Cendol which cost me less than RM10...was quite delicious....Sri had something Sizzling as well and Honey Coconut Longan drink which wasn't that bad.....All in all a good meal....
We then went to Mahkota Parade to buy the wedding gift for Mas's brother and met Paan there. After that we went back to our respective hotel to rest....I watched the disastrous Man United vs Chelsea game which I regretted later on as it spoiled my mood for the whole anyone in this blog cares....come to think about it I'm the only who watch football....lain semua kaki bangku!..
At around 9pm we went out to muara Sungai Duyung as Taty recommended a restaurant serving seafood situated there....Aku ingat macam maple2 kat KL ni baru setat nak hidup lepas Isyak and tutup busuk2 pon 2 pagi...sampai2 tempat penuh....but we managed to get a place for 11 ppl (including kids)...tapi bila order...order air dulu...'Sorryla air buah semuanya abih'...ade plak org tanya tu air oren ade tak? oren tu kan takdakla! anyway kitorang air non-buah.....pi order seafood....not badlah...sotong goreng, ikan jenahak bakar, pari bakar, kerang....makan ngan nasi lemak...ade lagi ikan ape ntah aku tak ingat nama....all in all okla...but if we come an hour earlier maybe we can have more options...bola punya pasal!...kalah plak least kalau org tanya dah pernah makan kat Sungai Duyung bolehla aku cakap dah....
We came back around 10.30pm....Paan and Syaz went to Ema's place....pegi ke? Aku tak sure...anyway Ema did not join for the Sg Duyung meal pasal parents dia tak larat....
Following day....we took our time...had good breakfast...took the kids to the swimming pool...and the siap2 la utk pegi rumah Mas....excited la la kan Mas cerita2 walaupon dia tak pernah kata rumah dia besar tapi dari bunyinya agak besar...and mmg besarla!....
Paan, Syaz and Ema + parents pegi dulu...takde bebudak bolehla siap cepat....eheheh alasan...kitorang pegila lepas tu...arrived around 2 pm....Mas pakai baju melayu merah sepasang....semua famili2 dia pakai merah....busyla Mas kan....nak layan sangat pon tak buleh tapi to his credit he did come and spend quite a lot of time la with us...ade yg practise2 naik jinjang pelamin which was created by Mas's cousin....Pa'an dah book dah mamat tu utk kawin dia tapi bila la ntah...dah tua krepot nak MAMPUS kot....
Berkenal-kenalan la ngan parents Mas....his father was quite intimidating but very nice...nak la jugak jumpa kitorang ni...dahla tak kena mengena ngan pengantin pun datang jugak!...Raja Perlis was there and Ketua Menteri Melaka was there as that said enough of Mas's family reputation in Melaka....jgn memain ngan Mas...dia hantar bodyguard2 Raja Perlis kalau kerek2 baru tau....tu Registrar2 Paki yg kerek2 tu Mas ko report je kat datuk sedara ko tu....
We didn't stay long pasal like I said it was Mas's bro wedding so seganla nak duduk lama2...dahla nak duduk kat dalam plak we left around 4.30pm...
Paan plak tak sabar2 nak balik pasal nak tgk konsert Peter Pan..can u imagine nama group Peter Pan...takde idea dah ke? Org Indon punya group....Jakarta Boys ke...Indon Forever ke...Peter Pan??!?!Nasib baik lagu2nya ok...kata Paan la....and adik aku and maybe boleh percayala...
Kitorang plak detour ke Nilai....ade macam factory outlet jual2 Kak Toh nak tgk2 sikit (and belila jugak)....and beli buah2 sikit and then balik....that was the whole weekend....seronok la jugak....
Kak Toh stayed until Tuesday and we brought her to KLCC as she never been to KLCC before pastu pegi Aquaria...was quite nice...Afiq agak seronok tgk ikan, shark, snakes and spiders....and also favourite dia iguana....Tuesday am pegi kedai kain mana ntah....(kain lagi) tak abih2 dengan kain org2 pompuan ni....katanya utk kawin sedara dia....tak kawin pon sedara aku rasa beli jugak kain....then we sent her Tuesday evening to Putra Bus Station........for part 2 now...
Monday, April 28, 2008
wah bestnyer korang2 berkumpul kat msia skarang ni!! i wish i was there!!
life is as usual here. pretty much the same everyday apart from the drastic developements in Kuba. Banyak cakap, bahasa dia la ntah apa aku pon tak paham. and he's already pulling up to his feet holding on to whatever he can, and not even 8 months yet!
i wont be working next 6 months again. staying at home with my little boy, don't feel like sending him to full-time creche b4 he's 1. we'll be in sligo for another year as honza is continuing here. i'm glad coz i dont want to leave our house just yet!
i will be going home for about a month in october, insyaAllah, so i hope i'll see u guys in malaysia!
btw, for the people in ireland, ie zarina, mas , agee, Ee and siti, aku nak buat bbq in june. korang kena bagitau weekend bila korang free and r able to come over to sligo and we'll do it then.
life is as usual here. pretty much the same everyday apart from the drastic developements in Kuba. Banyak cakap, bahasa dia la ntah apa aku pon tak paham. and he's already pulling up to his feet holding on to whatever he can, and not even 8 months yet!
i wont be working next 6 months again. staying at home with my little boy, don't feel like sending him to full-time creche b4 he's 1. we'll be in sligo for another year as honza is continuing here. i'm glad coz i dont want to leave our house just yet!
i will be going home for about a month in october, insyaAllah, so i hope i'll see u guys in malaysia!
btw, for the people in ireland, ie zarina, mas , agee, Ee and siti, aku nak buat bbq in june. korang kena bagitau weekend bila korang free and r able to come over to sligo and we'll do it then.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
hello guys... sorry for not writing in this blog for quite some time. well, honestly, its been almost 2 year...well, i've been bz with the kids.since balik mesia, afiq, natrah n sofea asyik2 demam. still remember afiq wanted to go back to ireland because its so hot here.abe still not working, well as u know how these people take forever just to set up the interview then, they take another month just to prepare and post the offer letter and with the registration with MMC, god! so frustrating. so, still can't find a house. just in the case, if abe dpt kerja at the other side of thecity. with the toll (can u imagine from bandar seri putra to kajang exit , about 12 km, it costs about rm2.10 one way.just imagine how much we have to pay in a month!!!!) and the traffic jam ( so ridiculous).arghhh! i'm still not working, kena tunggu abe , until then, baru boleh apply kat KKM. basically, kitaorg penganggur terhormat.enough whining........
last week (at last), dpt jumpa syaz , paan n ema .we had so much fun....masa tu lah rindu kat ireland, teringat masa dulu2, every weekend ada jer activity nak buat, paling kurang pun syaz masak n yg lain mkn jer,, skarang, semua bz.mmmmmm.....
can't wait till this weekend.tak sabo nak gi umah mas n jumpa semua org.with kak toh dah balik , sure kecoh,
By the way, its not 26 april lah mas, its 27.
there is another announcement, on 11th may ,sesiapa yg ada kat mesia , semua dijemput to natrah's 2nd birthday, at my sister's house ( since kitaorg tak de umah lagi). time tak sure lagi. so yg bekerja tu free-free kan lah hari tu. c u guys there....
last week (at last), dpt jumpa syaz , paan n ema .we had so much fun....masa tu lah rindu kat ireland, teringat masa dulu2, every weekend ada jer activity nak buat, paling kurang pun syaz masak n yg lain mkn jer,, skarang, semua bz.mmmmmm.....
can't wait till this weekend.tak sabo nak gi umah mas n jumpa semua org.with kak toh dah balik , sure kecoh,
By the way, its not 26 april lah mas, its 27.
there is another announcement, on 11th may ,sesiapa yg ada kat mesia , semua dijemput to natrah's 2nd birthday, at my sister's house ( since kitaorg tak de umah lagi). time tak sure lagi. so yg bekerja tu free-free kan lah hari tu. c u guys there....
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
walimaltulurus mas parwin munawir mahamooth dgn 'entah sape aku pun tak sure'
ok people,
aku balik 24th of april, abang aku kawen 26th april ( well nikah on the 25th april, family only occasion kot, lagipun friday night, so korang tak di jemputlah kot, mintakk maap bebyk,bukan aku yg kawen-sbb kalu aku yg kawen, SEMINGGU SEBELUM aku nikah pun krg dah DIJEMPUT), semua korang korang kene dtg on the 25th april.
DTGlah iyer, bawak family masing masing, kalau aku nak sebut name , tak sempatlah kan, tapi dtg tau, stakat nie aku tak sure whetther mak aku dah anto kad kat sume org or tidak, arituh mak aku kate nak anto kad pi umah abe, tapi aku tak sure sebab aku tak talipon umah dah lame. SO kalau tak sampai lagi kad, aku akan suruh mak aku re-SENT alll the kad jemputan to Emma's apartment.
To those working/studying , I FUCKING DONT CARE , and wont except any reason for you not being in MALACCA on the 25th of APRIL... ( cewah- stern giler- almaklumlah, dah deal dgn banyak puki puki nurse). well having said that, aku takder lah pakse, kalau boleh dtg, dtglah)
AKu balik dua minggu sampai 10th may, so hopefully sempatlah jumpe semua korang, this is not abt me meeting u people, sbb aku rase sri abe dah nak termuntah katak tgk muka aku, tapi more abt recreating the havoc times we had few years ago. Lagipun, nak tunggu aku kawen, lame lagilah kan.
aku balik 24th of april, abang aku kawen 26th april ( well nikah on the 25th april, family only occasion kot, lagipun friday night, so korang tak di jemputlah kot, mintakk maap bebyk,bukan aku yg kawen-sbb kalu aku yg kawen, SEMINGGU SEBELUM aku nikah pun krg dah DIJEMPUT), semua korang korang kene dtg on the 25th april.
DTGlah iyer, bawak family masing masing, kalau aku nak sebut name , tak sempatlah kan, tapi dtg tau, stakat nie aku tak sure whetther mak aku dah anto kad kat sume org or tidak, arituh mak aku kate nak anto kad pi umah abe, tapi aku tak sure sebab aku tak talipon umah dah lame. SO kalau tak sampai lagi kad, aku akan suruh mak aku re-SENT alll the kad jemputan to Emma's apartment.
To those working/studying , I FUCKING DONT CARE , and wont except any reason for you not being in MALACCA on the 25th of APRIL... ( cewah- stern giler- almaklumlah, dah deal dgn banyak puki puki nurse). well having said that, aku takder lah pakse, kalau boleh dtg, dtglah)
AKu balik dua minggu sampai 10th may, so hopefully sempatlah jumpe semua korang, this is not abt me meeting u people, sbb aku rase sri abe dah nak termuntah katak tgk muka aku, tapi more abt recreating the havoc times we had few years ago. Lagipun, nak tunggu aku kawen, lame lagilah kan.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
One Litre of Tears...
Does my entry title sounds familiar to anybody? I bet it doesn't...well, it's the saddest Japanese series i watched recently.(bergenang lagi air mataku...)(I guessed i'm not as busy as the rest of you huh?). Anyhow, i'm not trying to convey anything here. It's just something to start my blog with.
Got a phone call from Sri yesterday! Boy, was I a happy man! Yeah...since it's been a while that i had any news from sorry Paan, i kept guessing on my own whether ur either too busy or in trouble or something..i just kinda got used to receiving calls from you, kinda something to look forward to.Well, now I know. I bet Sri called you did't she?hehe...
Phuh!!!it's literally scorching hot here in Kelantan. Yesterday I was out riding my bicycle when Sri called. Since it's a precious one (the call), had to stop by the road side. There was no inhibition anymore guys! Panas pun panaslah! Later that nite, felt a little feverish...that's all. no biggies..
By the way, to Ema and Paan, i will be back this weekend (Sunday). Sri's making the arrangement for our little get together. I hope there won't be any problem this time. I will be home for a week (study week). Exam's coming soon (I hate USM!)
Can't wait to get back!!
Got a phone call from Sri yesterday! Boy, was I a happy man! Yeah...since it's been a while that i had any news from sorry Paan, i kept guessing on my own whether ur either too busy or in trouble or something..i just kinda got used to receiving calls from you, kinda something to look forward to.Well, now I know. I bet Sri called you did't she?hehe...
Phuh!!!it's literally scorching hot here in Kelantan. Yesterday I was out riding my bicycle when Sri called. Since it's a precious one (the call), had to stop by the road side. There was no inhibition anymore guys! Panas pun panaslah! Later that nite, felt a little feverish...that's all. no biggies..
By the way, to Ema and Paan, i will be back this weekend (Sunday). Sri's making the arrangement for our little get together. I hope there won't be any problem this time. I will be home for a week (study week). Exam's coming soon (I hate USM!)
Can't wait to get back!!
Monday, April 07, 2008
hi ya people
how's it going? i don't remember when was the last time i went to check out this blog i can't seem to even remember when was the last time i jot down anything here, i guess that means it has been quite a while :-)
right now i'm waiting for a meeting with one of the surgical professors here in UiTM shah alam, not sure what this meeting is all about and honestly i don't really care. i'm sorry if i've been rather too quiet for the past year, like leia said yes life has finally caught up with us, it happened so fast though that i didn't have time to realize it until now, there are so many things to do, so many stuff to learn, so many problems that give u headache to solve, i guess i got distracted. life is so much different now than it was, as much as i hate that it wasn't as fun and almost "fairy-tale" happiness with lots of "kodak" moments like it was back then in Ireland, this is the real thing, gotta face the music and dance!
i rarely gotta hang out with the others who have came back, Ema is so studious these days that i need to make an appointment to see her a week in advance. don't blame her as her first year exam is just around the corner, i guess i would be like that too come this June when i'll be joining UM for my masters, not looking forward to it actually, i don't really know why? i don't even get to go home to see my family often either, i work 3 weekends in a row this month, before that when i was in Emergency Dept, i had only 3 saturdays or sundays off in 4 months! imagine that. work here sucks!! don't get me started on it i may never stop. well you guys who still out there, you better off just keep staying there, damn i'm hungry, haven't eaten anything since i got up actually, my appetite isn't as good ever since i recovered from a pretty bad pneumonia last 2 weeks, i guess i better get something to fill up my stomach before the meeting, ok people it's nice to hear from you guys again here in this blog, hope there'll be more, and syaz sorry you haven't heard from me for a while, will call you when i'm free. have a good day ahead guys, bye.
how's it going? i don't remember when was the last time i went to check out this blog i can't seem to even remember when was the last time i jot down anything here, i guess that means it has been quite a while :-)
right now i'm waiting for a meeting with one of the surgical professors here in UiTM shah alam, not sure what this meeting is all about and honestly i don't really care. i'm sorry if i've been rather too quiet for the past year, like leia said yes life has finally caught up with us, it happened so fast though that i didn't have time to realize it until now, there are so many things to do, so many stuff to learn, so many problems that give u headache to solve, i guess i got distracted. life is so much different now than it was, as much as i hate that it wasn't as fun and almost "fairy-tale" happiness with lots of "kodak" moments like it was back then in Ireland, this is the real thing, gotta face the music and dance!
i rarely gotta hang out with the others who have came back, Ema is so studious these days that i need to make an appointment to see her a week in advance. don't blame her as her first year exam is just around the corner, i guess i would be like that too come this June when i'll be joining UM for my masters, not looking forward to it actually, i don't really know why? i don't even get to go home to see my family often either, i work 3 weekends in a row this month, before that when i was in Emergency Dept, i had only 3 saturdays or sundays off in 4 months! imagine that. work here sucks!! don't get me started on it i may never stop. well you guys who still out there, you better off just keep staying there, damn i'm hungry, haven't eaten anything since i got up actually, my appetite isn't as good ever since i recovered from a pretty bad pneumonia last 2 weeks, i guess i better get something to fill up my stomach before the meeting, ok people it's nice to hear from you guys again here in this blog, hope there'll be more, and syaz sorry you haven't heard from me for a while, will call you when i'm free. have a good day ahead guys, bye.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Bergenang air mataku...

GEMAS: Kedaifan hidup menyebabkan sepasang suami isteri menjadikan sebuah tandas lama yang hampir roboh di Stesen Kereta Api Gemas, di sini, sebagai tempat tinggal kerana tidak mampu menyewa rumah.
Ismail Mat, 70; dan isterinya, Rahimah Jolan, 68, mendiami tandas berkenaan sejak 27 Mac lalu selepas diberi peluang bekerja sebagai penjaga dan pencuci tandas baru yang bersebelahan ‘rumah’ mereka itu.
"Kami suami isteri hanya berpendapatan kira-kira RM10 sehari hasil kutipan bayaran masuk 20 sen daripada orang ramai yang menggunakan tandas serta hasil jualan tisu," katanya ketika ditemui selepas lawatan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat negeri, Zainab Nasir dan Pengarah Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat negeri, Mizan Maulud, semalam.
Ismail yang berasal Jelebu berkata, beliau mempunyai dua anak dan sebelas cucu hasil perkahwinan dengan isteri pertamanya, Habsah Isa tetapi mendakwa mereka tidak mempedulikannya.
"Sebelum bekerja di stesen ini, saya menjaga dan membersihkan tandas di Gerai Makan Majlis Daerah Tampin (MDT) dan tinggal di bawah tangga bangunan berkenaan lebih tiga tahun. Disebabkan tandas berkenaan rosak dan terpaksa ditutup, saya terpaksa diberhentikan.
“Namun, saya bersyukur kerana ada pegawai Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) yang menawarkan pekerjaan menjaga tandas di stesen ini, membenarkan saya tinggal di tandas lama yang hampir roboh," katanya.
Ismail berkata, beliau dan isteri terpaksa mencari papan untuk menutup lubang tandas serta plastik untuk dijadikan atap bagi berlindung daripada hujan dan panas.
"Disebabkan bilik tandas itu kecil berukuran 0.5 meter lebar dan dua meter panjang, saya dan isteri terpaksa tidur bergilir," katanya.
Sementara itu, Zainab yang menerima maklumat mengenai pasangan itu ketika majlis penyampaian bantuan kepada 38 mangsa banjir di Dewan Majlis Daerah Kecil Gemas bergegas ke lokasi berkenaan bagi meninjau pasangan suami isteri itu.
Beliau berjanji membantu mereka mendapatkan sebuah rumah Program Kesejahteraan Rakyat (PKR) atau Skim Bantuan Miskin Bandar bagi bantuan sara hidup.
"Saya berjaya memujuk mereka untuk ditempatkan sementara di Rumah Kebajikan di Seremban sehingga rumah berkenaan diperoleh. Saya berjanji kebajikan pasangan suami isteri ini dibela," kata Zainab.
Oh ye, korang bleh tambah gambar korang nak kat slideshow tuh. kalau je kat add your pics tu..
Owh..aku nak letak lagu James Blunt kat slideshow tuh tapi dia pegi tindih atas gamba plak! otomatik je dia letak kat situ, takleh nak alih. biarjelah..tak larat dah..hihi..enjoy!!(oh ye, Syaz yg buat, tentulah byk gamba syaz kan?hehe:)
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