wah bestnyer korang2 berkumpul kat msia skarang ni!! i wish i was there!!
life is as usual here. pretty much the same everyday apart from the drastic developements in Kuba. Banyak cakap, bahasa dia la ntah apa aku pon tak paham. and he's already pulling up to his feet holding on to whatever he can, and not even 8 months yet!
i wont be working next 6 months again. staying at home with my little boy, don't feel like sending him to full-time creche b4 he's 1. we'll be in sligo for another year as honza is continuing here. i'm glad coz i dont want to leave our house just yet!
i will be going home for about a month in october, insyaAllah, so i hope i'll see u guys in malaysia!
btw, for the people in ireland, ie zarina, mas , agee, Ee and siti, aku nak buat bbq in june. korang kena bagitau weekend bila korang free and r able to come over to sligo and we'll do it then.