Saturday, January 21, 2006

Releksla brader!...or sister

First of all kenapa ko tension sangat ni Lia releksla...I don't think in my post aku ade specifically blame sesape or ask for an explanation...And my intention is not to blame anyone....I was just bitching because I dont like things like this to happen and I dont want it to happen again. Aku baru nak melahirkan rasa tidak puas hati pon tak buleh ke? Kata blog ni buleh tulis ape2...Besides korang pun admit sendiri things like this selalu and aku slalu dengarla jugak although most of the time indirectly involved except this time jadi so takde orang nak bitch about it might be the time for someone to hightlight this problem. And to say that before ni ade org lambat la kensel la and use that as an excuse to do it again to me is not acceptable....I have to disagree with that although aku tau menda ni payah ni dibuang lagi2 org melayu....aku pun pernah buat tapi still one cannot make that as an excuse to do it again....
Besides yg patut tensionnya org2 yg datangla kot. Tak paham sekejap aku. Macam ni la try to put yourself in the shoes of the ppl who was that anger tu aku letak kat dalam blog ni tu je....Im sure sesapa yg tak datang tu ade valid reasons (wallahua'lam). I just hope that this thing tak jadi lagi macam ni well kalau terjadi jugak jgnla dengan aku. So jgn tension2, marah2 (without no reason, macam aku ade reason takpe:P).
Well again this post bukan nak mengapi2kan ape yg terjadi semalam just hightlighting problem with our group : punctuality and reliability. Biasa2 pon mmg la takde ape menda2 ni tapi biasa2 ape pon kita buat setakat jumpa2 kat rumah, lambat sejam? 2 jam? No big deal...but start from there pastu lambat jumpa kat coffee shop still no big deal sometimes unless time constraint.....Yesterday main bowling....kalau seronok main sorang2 dah lama aku main....yesterday's event kena ade org baru seronok....Im sure kalau ramai turnup mana2 satu dua yg tak datang tu will not be missed at all...tapi nak jadi cerita ramai plak tak jadila cerita...
Dahla aku harap takde org komen lagi pasal menda ni lepas ni....Hopefully tak jadi lagi...less likely kot nak jadi dah since Lia pon dah tak nak join dah....hehehehhehe...releksla Lia gurau aje...relekskan muscle leher ko tu jgn tegang sangat....tarik nafas....jumpa aku nanti jgnla buat tak tau aje atau jeling...aku report afiq kang aku hasut dia jgn pegi kat ko lagi baru tau...